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Prepare Sell Transaction



Calculates the inputs required for the Sell endpoint, intended to be used as a preliminary step for validating transaction details before execution. This allows the business to review estimated fees and limits prior to initiating the actual sell transaction.


Header Parameters

    Api-Signature string

    Digitally signed JWT.


    ChannelID uuidrequired

    Unique identifier for the channel.

    Possible values: >= 36 characters and <= 36 characters

    PaymentMethodID PaymentMethodID (string)

    Existing payment method id to be used.

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 150 characters

    CryptoCurrency CryptoCurrencyCode (string)required

    Cryptocurrency (main/sandbox):

    Example: BTC
    CustomerID CustomerID (string)

    A unique ID which identifies the customer in the Business' internal system and in NOAH.

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 36 characters

    Example: 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000
    FiatAmount PositiveDecimal (string)required

    Amount sent to customer's payment method.

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 38 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[+]?([.]\d+|\d+[.]?\d*)$

    Example: 10.1

    Form input to be submitted based on returned FormSchema

    property name* any

    Form input to be submitted based on returned FormSchema

    DelayedSell boolean

    When enabled, balance checks are deferred until the final sell request, allowing the order to be prepared now and executed later.


Sell request data
    TotalFee PositiveDecimal (string)required

    The total fee that will be charged for using the specific channel, always specified in the same currency as the requested fiat segment of the transaction.

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 38 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[+]?([.]\d+|\d+[.]?\d*)$

    Example: 10.1
    CryptoAmountEstimate PositiveDecimal (string)required

    The estimated amount of cryptocurrency that will be used in this transaction.

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 38 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[+]?([.]\d+|\d+[.]?\d*)$

    Example: 10.1
    CryptoAuthorizedAmount PositiveDecimal (string)required

    Maximum amount that can be charged for this transaction. This will be used in your subsequent /transactions/sell request

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 38 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[+]?([.]\d+|\d+[.]?\d*)$

    Example: 10.1
    FormSessionID uuidrequired

    Unique identifier for the Form Session. Form Session allows ramping using provided form data.
