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Bank deposit to onchain address



This endpoint sets up workflow which automatically converts fiat currency from bank deposits into cryptocurrency and sends the acquired crypto to the specified wallet address on the specified network. The workflow will be triggered automatically and indefinitely whenever a bank transfer is made to the bank account described in the response. The deposited amount will be traded for the specified cryptocurrency at the current market price after application of fees. Important:

  • On-chain operations are irreversible
  • Market prices may fluctuate significantly, impacting the final amount of cryptocurrency sent
  • Although this endpoint should return the same bank details for the same customer we can't guarantee the longevity of those details. For this reason, every time you need to present the customer with the bank deposit details, you should use this endpoint to get them. If the customer reuses the bank details after they become invalid the transfer will fail and money will NOT be lost.



    CustomerID CustomerID (string)required

    A unique ID which identifies the customer in the Business' internal system and in NOAH.

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 36 characters

    Example: 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000
    FiatCurrency FiatCurrencyCode (string)required

    Supported fiat ISO_4217 3 letter currency codes.

    Example: USD
    CryptoCurrency CryptoCurrencyCode (string)required

    Cryptocurrency (main/sandbox):

    Example: BTC
    Network Network (string)required

    Payments network (main/sandbox):

    • Bitcoin/BitcoinTest
    • Lightning/LightningTest
    • Ethereum/EthereumTestSepolia
    • PolygonPos/PolygonTestAmoy
    • Solana/SolanaDevnet
    • OffNetwork/OffNetwork
    Example: Bitcoin

    The final destination address to which the crypto currency should be transferred.

    Address Address (string)required

    Address for transfer

    Example: bc1qw508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvary0c5xw7kv8f3t4


Created rule
    PaymentMethodID PaymentMethodID (string)required

    Existing payment method id to be used.

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 150 characters

    PaymentMethodType PaymentMethodType (string)required

    Specific type of payment method:

    • BankSepa
    • BankLocal
    • BankFedwire
    • TokenizedCard
    • IdentifierPix
    Example: BankLocal
    Reference string
    AccountNumber stringrequired
    AccountHolderName string
    BankCode string
    BankName string
    Street stringrequired

    Street: the primary name of an address's street.

    Possible values: >= 2 characters and <= 200 characters

    Street2 string

    Street2: the secondary name of an address's street.

    City stringrequired

    City: name of an address's city or town.

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 100 characters

    PostCode stringrequired

    PostCode: the address's postcode

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 20 characters

    State stringrequired

    State: the address's state / province / county. For USA and Canada, state code in ISO 3166-2 code (e.g. CA) is required.

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 100 characters

    Country CountryCode (string)required

    ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.

    Example: US